Mortgage Solutions

Refinance Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage can help you get a lower interest rate and at the same time lower your monthly payment. There are typically four life and economic events (there are more) that result in people to consider mortgage refinancing, like:

  • Pay off debt via Debt Consolidation (more on that below)
  • Mortgage interest rate has dropped
  • Take out cash (equity) from the home
  • Credit score has improved enough to be eligible for a substantially better rate

Second Mortgages in Ontario

Need a financial solution? Opting for a second mortgage can be advantageous for homeowners who have accrued property equity and need additional funds for home upgrades, debt management, starting a business, or purchasing an investment property.

Rebel Mortgage is committed to carefully assessing your individual situation, comparing interest rates and terms, and determining if a second mortgage is the right choice for you.

Flexible Mortgage Options

Rebel Mortgage stands out by working with a diverse range of lenders, unlike bank mobile "mortgage specialists" who are tied to a single lender. We can present you with choices from 4 of the Big 6 Lenders, as well as over 25 Alternative A Lenders from Credit Unions and Monoline Lenders.

Furthermore, as a Broker, we have the flexibility to connect you with lenders from Alternative Spaces like "B-Lenders" and Private Lenders to address unique mortgage needs.